I’ll be the first one to admit that I have been pretty laxed when it comes to updating content on here. The truth is, my personal writing has taken a bit of a back seat over the last few years. Between a change in jobs, and other family related things, I just haven’t had much to write about: sort of.
In August of 2021, I changed jobs and moved to a new company. This new position gave me the opportunity to work on a professional pet project I had been thinking about for a very long time. As of yesterday, I am now officially allowed to post about it here.
Over the last three and half years, I’ve been slowly putting various pieces of technical content into a “book”. “3E Templates Revealed: The Ultimate User’s Guide” is the result of a ton of work I put in over all that time. It’s the largest piece of writing I have (450 pages, 95,000+ words) and is a complete departure from my memoir style works I’ve previously released.
I’m very happy to finally have this out in the open. For more details check out the dedicated page for this new release.