I’m a regular guy who likes to write, travel, spend time with his family, and buck the trend as often as I can.
As part of the launch of The Caravan Chronicles, everything I read and watched said I needed an “author website”. I’ve had matthewklem.com registered for years and all it ever did was bounce to my own personal blog. But now that I’m dipping my toe into the world of publishing books, I figured I should put something up for people to get the gist of who I am. But here goes my own attempt at an “author profile”.
I started writing short stories in junior high school as an escape mechanism from the incessant bullying that plagued me for the start of my teenage years. By the time high school and college rolled around I found himself writing offbeat humor in a local zine which eventually became an outlet for doing music reviews and band interviews. Then in 2001 I started writing my “Bob’s Room” blog and have had it ever since.
I also wrote a technology column for [HERE] magazine for a couple years before that folded and spent the better part of the 2010’s writing content for Cache Up NB.
2016 saw me starting to write a travel memoir which consists of a series of stories about places I’ve visited around the world and the experiences that came with them. That book was finished in the fall of 2017 when I took a trip with three friends of mine across the United States. The Caravan Chronicles is the book I wrote about that trip.
I’m not a crafty person, or knowledgeable about sports. But I am someone who loves to sit down and just write. Sometimes it goes nowhere and then other times it turns into something magical.
For those who may be interested, here’s the long version of how I got into writing.